Monitoring of the emissions reduction plan

Monitoring of the Carbon-neutral Helsinki Action Plan

Helsinki’s emission reduction target applies to the city’s direct emissions, i.e. emissions generated within the city’s geographical boundary, but emission reduction actions are also targeted at indirect (so-called Scope 3) emissions, especially emissions from construction. Emissions in 1990 totalled 3,514 kt CO2e, which means that in order to reach the goal of carbon neutrality, at least 2,812 kt CO2e must be reduced from the 1990 level and a maximum of 20 per cent, i.e. 703 kt CO2e can be compensated.

The charts below can also be read in plain text format.

Total emissions

Helsinki’s total direct emissions (kt CO2e) by sector in the years 1990 and 2000–2023 and the forecast for the years 2024–2030 and the total emissions compensation target of maximum 20 per cent for the year 2030. The sectors are heating, which also includes oil heating, electricity consumption, transport and the other sector, which includes industrial and work machines, waste and agriculture.

The emissions from heating, specific emissions of heating and heat consumption

The emissions from heating (kt CO2e) in 1990 and 2000–2023 and forecast for 2024–2030. Specific emissions of heating (g CO2e/kWh) in 1990 and 2000–2023 and forecast for 2024–2030. Heat consumption (GWh) in 1990 and 2000–2023.

The emission from electricity consumption

The emissions from electricity consumption (kt CO2e) in 1990 and 2000–2023 and the forecast for 2024-2030.

The emissions from transport

The emissions from transport (kt CO2e) by sector in 1990 and 2000–2023 and forecast for 2030.

Ongoing actions and their progress

The table shows ongoing actions by category, their responsible parties and information on which sector the actions is aimed at. There are three categories:
  1. Actions that reduce emissions: the action has a direct impact on the sectors selected as focal areas; moving forward, most new actions will be in this class.
  2. Required actions that facilitate emissions reduction: the action is a prerequisite for implementing the category 1 actions, even though the action itself does not involve a direct impact on the emissions reductions.
  3. Surveys to determine new emissions reduction actions: the actions require additional preparation or studies with the aim of preparing category 1 and 2 actions.