Good living in a carbon-negative city

None of us has been to the future and seen what it will be like. Carbon negativity is a long-term goal, and there is no need to limit the vision to things that are possible or achievable in the near future. There are many pathways to a carbon-negative future.​

Achieving the goal of carbon negativity does not mean only giving up on familiar things, but if it is well planned, it can also enable new kinds of good life in a way that holistically respects life.​

The changing future challenges the limits of the human mind and perception. Imagining the unknown future often feels challenging, which is why it is important to create circumstances for the discussion that support finding the future perspective.​

There are several methods that facilitate the imagining, and the choice of methods grows continuously. We want to open up a broader discussion for reflecting on and concretising desirable futures.​

    • Towards a carbon-negative city expert survey, the aim of which is to make the measures required for achieving the goals more concrete and imagine a moment in the carbon-negative city of the future.​
    • Carbon negative city boardgame, the aim of which is to understand the scale of the change and various boundary conditions that must be taken into account when making it concrete.​
    • Hundred kilogram city role game, the aim of which is to increase understanding of the impacts from the point of view of different persons, future generations and other species.

      Lautapeli ja sen nappuloita
      Carbon-negative city board game.