VALUE – Valuation and strengthening of urban green spaces in landscape planning in cities

The aim of the VALUE project is to strengthen the green structure in densely built cities to promote climate change preparedness and adaptation.
Accelerating urbanization and denser urban structures make cities increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Climate change increases extreme weather phenomena such as stormwater floods and long periods of heat, which cause financial losses and threaten the health, well-being and even life of people and other species. A diverse green structure is the key to climate change adaptation in urban areas. When the urban green structure is nurtured now, it has time to grow into the protection that our cities need. Abundant greenery also ensures biodiversity.
Well-functioning ecosystems provide the basis for all well-being. Urban greenery provides ecosystem services, such as storm water absorption, heat island mitigation and carbon sequestration. Investing in green structures and developing it further bring long-term cost benefits, as we lower the risks caused by changing climate. Diverse green structure in urban green guarantees a better adaption to climate change.
However, in growing urban areas, the preservation and strengthening of the green structure requires new types of co-created principles for urban development and tools for planning. In the VALUE project, we are developing a tool, the green area factor for districts, for evaluating the quantity and quality of ecosystem services and biodiversity. The tool supports the preservation and development of the green structure and prioritizing them in land use planning.
Take part in the project’s events and trainings, read more about the current state of the green structure, the piloting and implementation of the tool on our website – join us in giving the green structure its due value.
Project website: ARVO – Viherrakenteen arviointi ja vahvistaminen kaupunkien maankäytön suunnittelussa – Green Building Council Finland ( (in Finnish)

VALUE project
Project period
10/2023 – 12/2025
Responsible person
Project Manager
Maija Bergström
09 310 526 67
Other persons
Landscape Architect
Antti Hannula
09 310 526 85
The project is implemented with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (70%), and the funding authority is the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council.
Helsinki subproject: Helsinki strengthens its biodiversity and adaptation to climate change
Helsinki is the main executor of the VALUE project, and the project promotes the City’s adaptation to climate change. The tool is developed by analysing green area factor for districts for three areas in Helsinki, each with its own specific characteristics. In Kallio, there is a need to increase the green structure in a way that pays attention to the valuable characteristics of the area and is suitable for the dense inner-city environment. In the green neighbourhood of Kallahti, support and increase for biodiversity is examined, and the aim is to increase the amount of pervious surface when the area is developed. A new area is being planned in Pukinmäenranta, which is located along the Vantaanjoki river, an area of significant natural value. The aim is to develop the area, considering valuable nature and cultural landscape.
The aim is to identify more accurately the values produced by the green structure, and to use the tool to search for planning solutions in which climate change adaptation and biodiversity are implemented more extensively than before.
Project website: ARVO – Viherrakenteen arviointi ja vahvistaminen kaupunkien maankäytön suunnittelussa – Green Building Council Finland ( (in Finnish)